Many of the volunteer doctors, physician assistants, nurses and medics at RRII are military veterans who have experience operating in war zones and other dangerous environments where other humanitarian agencies cannot or will not go. In these environments, RRII is often the only help available for victims of armed conflict.
In these environments, RRII is often the only help available for victims of armed conflict.
RRII, is committed to sustainable development in the areas and with the populations that it serves, and while volunteers perform hands-on medical and surgical assistance, they also work closely with indigenous health personnel to develop educational programs specific to the needs of the population involved, as well as assisting in the institutional development of indigenous health care delivery systems.
RRII accepts “missions to order” and can mount relief missions to an area of special concern to you. For example, one donor was moved by the crisis in Burma, sent in a donation, and RRII sent in a medical team two weeks later.

Project Exodus Relief was an all-volunteer organization of veterans, national security sector members, staff at human rights organizations, political staff, and others. More than 30 organizations worked together with a singular mission: save as many lives as possible. Having expended all available funds and human resources getting as many people to safety as possible, Project Exodus has suspended operations. RRII is proud to have assisted in their efforts. We remain open to helping Afghan refugees. Our goal is to aid in rapid response efforts and aid those in need however possible.

Syrian Conflict
Medical care on the Syrian border had completely broken down during the Syrian civil war. We found a thoroughly overburdened medical system on the brink of collapse in desperate need of help.
NGOs had significant difficulties providing care given the local security situation. Refugee Relief International conducted four missions on the borders with Lebanon and Turkey to provide medical assistance, medical education, and logistical support for pro-Western local medical providers.

As the Venezuelan regime of Nicolas Maduro struggles, there are critical shortages of the things needed to sustain life, such as food, clean water, and medicine. Millions of Venezuelans have left their homeland resulting in a refugee crisis in neighboring Colombia. The Colombian government, recovering from years of combating the drug trade and it’s own guerrillas, has asked for assistance.
RRII provided direct medical aid in the affected regions, supported by the Colombian government and generous donors.

A small team from Refugee Relief International, Inc. (RRII) visited the Central Highlands of Vietnam in July, 2023, to determine if any assistance could be rendered to the Montagnard ethnic minorities, who have been an underserved group since even before the end of the Second Indochina War. These mountain tribes served alongside American Special Forces units, often with high attrition, and as a result they and their families are considered victims of armed conflict. The RRII team identified two areas in which humanitarian assistance can and should be rendered. Central Highland schools have a program for three to five year old children, and orphanages have been established for abandoned, orphaned and abused Montagnard children. The teachers and orphanage staffs have no experience in health care or childhood illness. A course in the identification and basic initial treatment of pediatric health issues will be beneficial in both circumstances. RRIII proposes to develop training for the teachers and orphanage staff and caregivers in Central Highland schools and orphanages to help them identify, initially treat, and potentially refer ill or hurt children.

Refugee Relief International, Inc. (RRII) physicians have been in the Ukraine delivering humanitarian assistance and training Ukranian physicians and medics in combat casualty care. RRII is currently preparing for another mission to train members of the Territorial Defense Force (TDF) in combat casualty care and unconventional warfare medical concepts. These concepts are to help keep them alive. The TDF will be the first line of care for Ukrainian refugees in contested areas. Please help us help them during the greatest refugee and humanitarian crisis since WWII.